At MediaCast, we value community and creating change. Homelessness is such a prevalent issue in Australia, which we’ve discovered in detail after working closely with Orange Sky Australia across multiple campaigns over the last few years.
For the second year in a row, our team will be keeping our kits on for three consecutive days (1-3 September) to raise awareness and generate conversations about homelessness. As a group our aim was to raise $1,000 for the cause - a goal that we’ve just achieved – time to increase our target!
Orange Sky hosts The Sudsy Challenge as an annual event requiring participants to wear their orange Sudsy shirt for three consecutive days. This September, “Don’t change clothes. Change Lives”, pays tribute for raising awareness and action for people experiencing homelessness. The return of The Sudsy Challenge in 2022, will help Orange Sky’s vision for people to spark conversation and connection about homelessness in Australia.
Through participating in The Sudsy Challenge, we want to help break the stigma about homelessness through having active and open conversations with our friends and family. Not only do we get to share more with our networks about the work we do with Orange Sky as an agency – but we get to share more about what Orange Sky is doing in our communities to make an impact.
The scope of homelessness spans much further than just the idea of ‘rooflessness.’ The events of the last 12 months, namely the rising cost of living and natural disasters, have resulted in an increase of everyday Australians being forced to live week to week. We believe that breaking down barriers and having educated and empathetic conversations is only the first step to creating change.
With an increasing number of participants signing up to the Sudsy Challenge everyday, the support in raising funds and awareness has significantly contributed to the impact Orange Sky envisions for continually providing warm showers and clean laundry to people experiencing homelessness.
By continuing to have conversations, it can help generate more solutions for homelessness in Australia, such as an increase in donations, new initiatives, and volunteer opportunities.
We hope to generate as much awareness as we can by not changing our clothes, to help change lives. Wearing the same orange Sudsy shirt for three consecutive days can make such a difference, and we are so proud to be part of the Orange Sky journey.

Don’t change clothes but change lives, grab your pals and join team MediaCast and sign up to The Sudsy Challenge today